Hermano's Brew


How a Surftrip and some Donavon Frankenreiter inspired a Coffee Brand Logo.

The creative process is influenced by countless conscious or subconscious observations and experiences. This wasn’t any different in terms of the Coffee Drinking Cactus Logo: A travel to Asia and Indonesia, countless Coffee Shop Visits, hours of good Surf music and a bunch of inspirational people was mostly responsible for the origin.

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There's usually a lot going on in Daniela Schmied's head. The creative thoughts seem to never stop or take a pause. Drawing with brushes and pencils, she recently expands her mind with a digital toy she can easily carry anywhere she goes.

The Moustache got highly inspired by Donavon Frankenreiter.

The Coffee drinking Cactus became the logo and mascot for Hermano’s Brew and can be found on several Coffee, Stickers and Shirt designs. He lately even made it on a Skateboard for a Collaboration with Approved Line Skateboards.

Hermano's Magazine Issue #1

Lean back, have a Coffee and get inspired.

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Strange times require creative thinking. While everything is heading towards digitalism, every mail box is getting swamped with better or worse Newsletters and all you get on Social Media is Commercials on stuff you probably won’t need we thought: Why not make something physical that you can actually enjoy holding in your hands.

The Idea of Hermano’s Magazine is to print a, so to say, Newsletter in Magazine format once to twice a year. BUT not only is the Hermano’s Magazine to be read as a Newsletter trying to sell the Brand. It is filled with Stories of People that in some sort of way contribute something to Hermano’s Brew or inspire us to print their Story.

In the first Issue we teamed up with Daniela Schmied, the creator of the Hermano’s Brew Cactus logo to take a look into her creative process. Showed what it takes to handprint Shirts with the Atélier Gross & Klein, talked about the importance and drawbacks of running a Core-Snow- & Skateboard Shop with doodah Bern shop manager Kaspar Kupferschmid and much more.

Printed as a very limited edition of only 50 physical Copies, Issue #1 is already out of order. So we simply converted it as an ebook for everyone to enjoy. You can download it here for free.